Friday, August 24, 2012

Fire on the Mount


Spotted from the front desk by a very astute security guard (RB)!!
No worries, we took control and saved the day!! 
Reported to the fire dept. by Ryan.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Letters to the Editor

In light of the ridiculousness of all BYU letters to the editor, I have decided to write my own.  Enjoy!

Dear Editor-
In The Friday Universe the front page article entitled 'Your New Best Friend,' portrayed a dear,dear friend of mine as a "texter" (sorry for the strong language).  I would just like to give my word in her defense that she is so much more than the low technology crazed portion of society.  She is a good person who focuses on things other than her inbox.  Have some consideration for her feelings.  Thank you.
Justine, Arkansas
My friend L being framed as a "texter".  Stop the injustice.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


5 points to Gryffindor to anyone that can guess who is writing this post!  Here are the clues.

1.  I was an intern before I worked here.

2.  I had a Yu-Gi-Oh card on my computer in the O-Room.

3.  I was often seen alongside Katie and Ruth.

4.  I have red hair.

5.  I am not Nicole.

You have guessed right!  It is me L----!  Hahaha jk, it's Jenna the awesome Esq.  If you are not old enough to know me then Bah-Ram-You!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Moa Sighting #3!

Today we spotted Richard Sharrah - who stars in the Kid History videos. If you haven't seen them, please kick back and enjoy: Kid History Episode 1

Richard Sharrah is the tall, dark and handsome one who made threats from his car.

So here's the story: I came up to the front desk to start my shift, and look over at RB the security guard, who has the biggest grin on her face. I ask her, "how are you," and she says, "I'm GREAT." Then whispers, "Richard Sharrah is in the MOA. Have you seen Kid History?" And there he was. Standing in the Museum Store. CeeCee did the honors of grabbing a surreptitious and (blurry) picture of him:

Then M&M, another security guard, who was "25ed" to the front desk by RB, went over and talked to him. RB, after gaining some courage, went over to join them eventually. 

M&M and RB discovered that a) he is going to be Andrew, Peter's brother in the New Testament movie (hence the beard.) b) That Kid History flies him out from L.A. every time they film an episode. And c) that he has 2 brothers here at the school - one of them is his twin. Rachel was pretty excited.

Then, he left. Our report? He is a friendly, funny, really nice guy. Also, he wanted us to spread the word about this:

So yeah! If you can't get enough of Kid History. They are now filming "snippets," which come out far more often than their bimonthly episodes.

Thus concludes our exciting 10 minutes.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

MOA Sighting

Spotted at the MOA: Kirby Heyborne, star of "The RM", "The Singles Ward", "The Best Two Years", etc., etc., etc. He has three kids, one of which looks a tad bit too old to be holding hands with his shaggy-haired dad. Oh well. Still a tender moment. Totes presh adorbz.
Even when you fall down the stairs, you are accepted here at the front desk. 

I mean, we laugh at you, 
but you're accepted.

Friday, August 3, 2012

What a prime time to browse through pics of my new actor crush...between helping patrons, of course :)

INTRODUCING.......Sam Claflin. Babe.

English accent. Dark, curly hair. Yes.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

MOA Sighting:
What better way to enjoy priceless works of art than with a walking stick?!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time, 
at a desk far away,
there sat a girl who saw a boy walk by, and this is the daydream that came after:

His name was Howard. 
It had to be Howard because he was wearing a polo shirt, striped socks, and tortoise shell glasses, 
so, obviously, there was no other option. 
He was carrying a pile of books with a pizza box on top, which immediately caught the girl's attention because she enjoyed pizza and thought that boys named Howard who carried books were romantic somehow.

She decided that he probably had a garden and thought about technology a lot
When they got married, she would have him plant roses in said garden and they would go on walks together.
 Their son would be named George. 

The boy (whose name was obviously Howard) walked through the building and left.
And she smiled. 
The end. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

This just happened...

Sighted: Nerdy Asian with ponytail, Richard Simmons look alike with billowing chest hair, and a gender-confused woman with a bowl cut. All at the same time. We would've taken a picture, but we were too busy gagging and laughing at the same time.

A Shout-out to our Monday Spotlight Editor!

I would like to just make a quick toast to the genius of the person who brought to you our Monday Security Spotlight, AH!

She is the lovely lady on the right, don't worry, her eyes don't do that all the time...

She is one of our most successful security guards here at the MOA, so lets take a moment to give her the spotlight!

AH is an avid lover of all animals.

And loves to spend her time in the great outdoors.

When she's not busy fiddling away her day of course!

Or sleeping in!

Thanks you so much AH for being such a crucial part of our MOA team!


We thank you for your unprecedented contribution to the protection of the arts!

Well, that concludes our second MONDAY SPOTLIGHT, brought to you by...

MOA Employees and friends! 

A Case of the Mondays....

Well, ladies and gents, this is what we feel like today: 

No. But seriously. This is what we feel like today: The middle guy. His name is Rye Bread.


Rye likes photography.

And nature.

And MAWDUHLING. (modeling)

And sometimes he expresses himself through body paint.


And we love RYE :)

Well, that was our Monday Security Guard Spotlight
brought to you by

Friday, July 20, 2012

And so it begins...

Welcome, eager viewers.
Welcome to the insanity that is the front desk. 
Here we have antics that will brighten your day, make your nights less lonely, and answer all of your undying questions about the universe.

We have some wise people here.
With plenty of time on their hands.
I promise.